Journal "Orchestra"

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The first issue of journal “Orchestra”

Dear readers,

For the first time the journal “Orchestra” was published nearly a century ago. In 1910 – 1912 it was issued every two weeks in Moscow under the supervision of a talented musician, manager and tutor I.V. Lipaev. The journal was of great importance for musicians of that time. Nowadays every professional activity strongly depends on the professional information available.The lack of necessary information in the field of Russian orchestra-ensemble performing restrains the development and popularization of this musical art.

In spite of the information boom which takes place in all spheres of modern life all over the world Russian “musical toilers” (as the musicians were called by I.V. Lipaev) at present have no any professional journal. In 1990s we were happy to have every new issue of “Brass News” that was published under the guidance of Honored Art Worker, director of SUCA R.M. Gekht.

The professional journal “Narodnik” is still being published and developing. Current musical events in the field of orchestra art are covered in different musical periodicals and Mass Media, but much more amount of work in this respect could be done.

At conferences, seminars, contests and other musical forums numerous requests are expressed to initiate and promote the publishing of professional journal for orchestra musicians, tutors, conductors, composers and researchers. But it is not enough to have just a desire to do something as in present day situation only the one who possesses professional and economic skills is able to involve great number of sponsors can be in progress for the benefit of his institution.

We have to ask different publishing houses to give us a hand in publishing our materials concerning orchestra-ensemble art but very often they do not meet all our requirements.

We are looking forward to publishing the information on all interesting events, know-how, historical and modern research, new musical pieces, jubilees, and everyday problems of the orchestra musicians. Our journal as well as it’s title “Orchestra” will be of great interest if all authors will supply it with information from all parts of Russia and from all over the world. The necessity and importance of publishing such a journal was highlighted by I.V. Lipaev in 1910 and we are happy to publish a number of corresponding materials.

A. Dudin


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